Tuesday, January 3, 2012


maybe it's because i'm in my thirties now. but i try not to think too hard about things. when i find myself thinking too hard, i start feeling all crowded up in here and i have to back out of it. like backin' up backin' up backin' up.

not sure what that has to do with anything except i'm so super amped for all the thangy thangs i plan to do this year.

a short list:
- golf lessons
- apprendre le français
- two blogs (yes. wmbg is one of them.)

i changed careers not too long ago, took a big risk, thinking that that would be...enough?

but honestly. it hasn't been.

and if you're reading this, then you're probably a blogger. so you know.

that it's not just about the job.

which means the rest is up to us. what you make of your decisions, what you do even in the utmost peripheral aspects of your life.

it's how you choose to feel fulfilled.

i'm eating strawberries out of a reusable ziploc container that smells like old cheese.

what's on your list?

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